
The Research!Sweden-day

Research!Sweden-day is a celebration of science with cutting-edge talks. This exclusive conference brings together politicians with members of “Agenda for Health and Prosperity”, board members, donors, as well as specially invited representatives from academia, companies, healthcare and patient organizations.

We discuss how to strengthen medical research and development – for health and prosperity.

On this page you can read summaries and view material from the Research!Sweden-days. Please note that all the following information in the links is in Swedish.


The Research!Sweden-day 2023

The Research!Sweden-day 2022

The Research!Sweden-day 2021

The Research!Sweden-day 2019

The Research!Sweden-day 2018

The Research!Sweden-day 2017

The Research!Sweden-day 2016

The Research!Sweden-day 2015

The Research!Sweden-day 2014

The Research!Sweden-day 2013

The Research!Sweden-day 2012

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